✈ Yes, it's another ATC-SIM fundraiser ✈ (ATC-SIM)

submitted by jlink to /forum/atc-sim

Hi Everyone,

If you've already donated to ATC-SIM 2.0, or just signed up recently, or if you don't play much, you can safely ignore this post. No need for anyone to pay again, back to back.

But if you first registered a long time ago and like ATC-SIM, and would like to see it better, could you please consider sending another $5 or $10 or $20 or $10,000?

I've just about got a few features ready, but there's also restricted airspace (which will make KDCA possible) and a lot of people are asking about mobile (which I don't think will ever be perfect on a small screen, but it could be more friendly).

Where does the donation money go? Server rental, and paying some other programmers, and justifying my own time. And then there was my wife's sister's wedding overseas, and we had to move, and blah, blah, blah.

I know a number of you think I'm rich and make a lot of money doing this, but I'm not and I don't.

If you want to see some immediate results, as always I will add your favorite airport for $100. Feel free to coordinate with others on the forum if you want to split this.

I hope these emails are slightly less annoying than what you may get from zoos and museums.

Feel free to ask questions. You can donate via PayPal to: jaylink1971@hotmail.com

Thank you for whatever you can do.

Kind regards,

Jay Link ATC-SIM

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